This is me

I am a child of God first, a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, and a friend. I hope that you enjoy this tool I'm using to discover more about myself!

Monday, September 19, 2011

What a day, what a day... Monday, Monday....

After a wonderful service at church yesterday, we came home for our usual - lunch, a nap for me and Kaitlyn together (our time), and Glen naps in his chair...  Late in the afternoon, Glen and Kaitlyn then went up to his mom's for a bit where Pris noticed that Kaitlyn's eye was swollen and kind of .  Upon further inspection, it did appear swollen and kind of purple when we put her to bed.  Didn't really think a whole lot about it, figured allergies were kicking in because she's always had such a hard time with them.  We have a routine at night of asking each other what we are thankful for.  Baby Bug (Kaitlyn's nickname) chose last night to answer for all of us.  According to her : I was thankful for a wonderful service at church as well as glad I had a baby girl who loved and worshiped God and Jesus; Glen was thankful for his two beautiful women; and she was thankful we had such a good day together.  Now, one of two things is possible - either we are very predictable in what we are thankful for or she knows her parents really well!  I choose to think it's the latter.  We are a very close family and we make no bones about loving each other very much.  I'm thankful that is ingrained into her spirit... but back to the swollen eye...  after a visit to the pediatrician today, he confirmed pink eye.  EWWWWWWW.  This means no school today or tomorrow and Glen is doing the babysitting.  He will probably be about nuts tomorrow afternoon, but despite what he thinks - God made him into a great Daddy and our baby girl loves him soooooooo much.  Now, Glen thinks that he was not cut out for it, but I beg to differ.  His patience level may be short, but his love for her surpasses most everything else.  There are so many kids who don't have parents that love them and I really feel for those children.  I just don't understand how anyone can birth or father a child and not give a rat's behind about that child.  It just makes no sense.  I seem to be rambling a bit this time, but I think that's because so many things are going through my befuddled brain.  Glen and I did talk today about how blessed we are in having a child who rarely gets sick.  In her short 5 years, this is only the 2nd time she's ever had a prescription for ANYTHING.  She has been an extremely well child and for that we are thankful.

Time for me to head off to bed..... We'll see what I can come up with tomorrow :-)

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